If you look at pictures of actors on front of magazine, you may long to have their smile. Teeth Whitening in Birmingham MI can help you achieve that goal. We start out in life with shiny, white teeth. however, overtime, our habits discolor them. It make us embarrassed to be seen in family photos. That doesn’t have to be the case with teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is a Cosmetic Dentistry procedure that can be done right in the dental office or by using home kits.
Teeth Whitening in Birmingham MI can be achieved using several techniques. It applies a bleach to make the teeth whiter. The bleach typically consists of 35% hydrogen peroxide. Some dentists may use a combination of home and office techniques. It relies on the level of whiteness you want. Many patients prefer the home whitening kits. On your first visit, the dentist will make a mold of your teeth. This is important to hold the teeth and manage bleaching substance. The trays fit comfortably and they are similar to mouth guards people use to stop teeth grinding. The bleach will not remove any of the tooth’s surface. Before that, he or she should explain how the procedure works and possible side-effects. An office procedure could require two or more visits.
An alternative technique is a whitening strip with a reduced amount of bleach. These must be worn for several hours. It has less than 10% hydrogen peroxide. Laser whitening is fast becoming a popular choice. This method works by using a laser to activate the bleach. It can be completed in less than an hour. However, it is the most expensive out of all the techniques.
Though Teeth Whitening in Birmingham MI will greatly whiten your teeth, you must still take care of them as normal. See your dentist at least twice yearly and avoid foods that stain. As mentioned, you may experience side-effect like sensitivity, but it should go away in 1-3 days. Whitening can be accomplished at home, but professional service are advised. Not everyone will be a candidate for tooth whitening. For more information visit DiPilla Robert, DDS.