Many people want to have Window Tinting in Jennings LA, but they feel unsure about exactly what they can do according to the state laws in Louisiana. The good news is that state law does allow window tinting in Louisiana, but people who choose to tint their windows must follow certain guidelines. Below, those guidelines are explained.
Motorists in Louisiana must have vehicle windows that have 40 percent light transmission for all front and side windows. On the rear side windows, that light transmission number is reduced to 25 percent. On the rear windshield, the light transmission requirement is 12 percent. These numbers apply to all motor vehicles, including cars, vans, and Sport Utility Vehicles on the road in the state of Louisiana today.
Some drivers ask about the purchase of a vehicle that was previously tinted. If a person is driving a vehicle that had excessive tint at the time they purchased it, they are still legally responsible for the degree of window tint they have. For this reason, all Louisiana residents who purchase a new vehicle that has window tint should have the degree of that window tint checked by professionals before driving the vehicle if at all possible.
Certain vehicles on the road are allowed exemptions for window tint, but these exemptions are limited. In most cases, these exemptions are made on a medical basis and must be backed up by a physician. People who have a special exemption for darker window tint should make sure to take that documentation to their window tint provider when having the tint installed. Otherwise, most window tinting providers will be unable to provide the degree of darkening required without being subject to fines and penalties.
Before saying “darker is better,” talk to a window tint provider about the different options available today. Many of the new tints offer amazing technology that can keep the vehicle cool while also keeping it sufficiently dark, but they are not excessively dark in terms of appearance. There is an option for everyone. To find out more about Window Tinting in Jennings LA, check out the PROTECH Audio website.