Properly sourced chemicals are the cornerstone to a number of large industries on which we all rely.
Carwashes need a steady supply of safe, reliable, and quality cleaning solutions and chemicals to provide their service on a regular basis. Restaurants need heavy-duty chemicals to ensure a clean and sanitary workspace, considering their daily handling of foodstuffs. Schools have to maintain cleanliness to protect their staff and students, and keep a clean cafeteria, and hospitals and laboratories need, above all else, a sterile environment to work in.
There are a couple things to keep in mind, but in its entirety it’s like choosing any business or service – it’s all about proper vetting.
Is Your Supplier Local?
While you’re not exactly buying vegetables here, transporting potentially volatile chemicals is an expensive liability for many chemical manufacturers.
As such, a partner with minimal transport and delivery costs is preferred to a long-distance service, wherein there’s a greater chance for error. Be sure to establish a consistent line of chemical supply through a quality supplier like Advanced Chemical Solutions – one that specifically works within your state.
Is The Supplier OSHA-Compliant?
Safety is the number-one priority in the chemical product business – or at least, it should be. Your supplier should be compliant with the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which, according to the OSHA, include proper labeling and extensive on-site training. Your supplier should have an occupational and environmental program in-place such as Responsible Care, or something similar. Montana alone manages the disposal of nearly 70 million pounds of production-related waste, according to the EPA, and it’s paramount to the people’s safety that the state’s companies maintain their corporate responsibility to the environment and the state’s inhabitants.
Consider the Quality of the Product
Different industries need different levels of quality. For the most part, cleaning solutions require chemicals at an industrial and laboratory level.
However, if it’s a job involving the production and manufacture of consumable goods, the highest level of purity – a product with a reagent chemistry grade.
Chemical purity isn’t paramount when it comes to getting the laundry done, cleaning a hall, or tending a large garden – but in scientific scenarios involving biological experimentation, or in the production of food in factories and kitchens, completely pure chemicals are the only way to prevent an unwanted contamination.
Once you’re certain that you’ve found a supplier you can work with, be sure to look forward to a long-term relationship with them. As an industry extremely sensitive to problems, ensuring a smooth and reliable relationship is the key to dependability.
Advanced Chemical Solutions is a chemical and equipment company, producing and selling machines and chemicals for companies in multiple industries. You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates!