What to Look for in an Office Lease in Coweta County

by | Oct 24, 2014 | Business

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After finding the perfect office to lease, the temptation is to sign the paperwork and get ready to move in. Before doing so, it pays to take a good look at that Office Lease in Coweta County and make sure there is no misunderstanding of what type of responsibilities and expenses are involved. Here are some examples of points to look for in the body of that lease.

Costs and Maintenance of Shared Areas – Check the Office Lease in Coweta County to determine how the upkeep of any common or shared areas is managed. Are tenants responsible for contributing toward expenses like janitorial cleaning, heating and air conditioning for a common reception area, or possibly the landscaping care around the building? While these expenses are often bundled into the monthly rental rate, that is not always the case. Be clear on what expenses above and beyond the rent will also be assessed every month.

Inclusion of Utilities – Depending on the design of the office building, there may or may not be certain utilities provided as part of the monthly rental rate. For example, water may be bundled in, but electricity is something each tenant must manage individually. Knowing ahead of time what utilities are and are not included makes it easier to budget monthly operating expenses.

Out Clauses – Just about any lease will have provisions for terminating the agreement if certain events come to pass. Be aware of what type of circumstances could allow the owner to cancel the lease and request the tenant leave within a certain amount of time. Alternatively, read through the contract terms and identify what type of situations would allow the tenant to end the lease without incurring any type of penalty or additional obligation to the owner.

The bottom line is that it pays for business owners looking for new office space to work with a quality leasing agent like Greison Storage to find the ideal office suite for lease. Doing so will ensure that the contract is straightforward and there will be no question about what rights and responsibilities each party is assuming by entering into the rental agreement.

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