What to Look for in Homeowners Insurance in Rockville

by | Feb 4, 2013 | Insurance

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Before you purchase homeowners insurance in Rockville, you need to understand what you are purchasing. Whether this is your first home or you have decided you are currently paying too much and want to look into other policies, there are certain factors you need to know.

What Can You Afford?

Your insurance is meant to protect you in the event of something happening to your home. It could be a natural disaster, theft or many other types of damage. Because homes are typically an expensive investment, it is important to protect them. Most homeowners do not want to over insure themselves, however, which makes it necessary to find a happy medium. Consider your savings and what you think you could afford in the event of disaster, aside from your entire house burning down. You should base your deductible and coverage amount on what you think you can afford if you were to have any type of incident. Remember the higher your deductible, the lower your monthly premium.

Replacement Cost Coverage

In the event your entire house was to burn down, you want appropriate coverage to rebuild your home. There are two types of coverage to consider: guaranteed replacement cost and extended replacement cost coverage. The guaranteed replacement covers the costs incurred to rebuild your home. Extended cost coverage offers a 20 to 25 percent higher limit in the event problems occur and rebuilding costs more than the original insured value.

Personal Property

Most homeowners insurance in Rockville does not automatically cover personal property. There are limits on what is included, which need to be discussed with your insurance agent. If you have many valuables inside the home, such as antiques, jewelry or expensive electronics, it is important to discuss the possibility of insuring them on your policy in addition to your home to make sure everything is covered.

Homeowners have a variety of factors to consider when purchasing homeowners insurance in Rockville. While it is possible to shop online to find the best price, it is important to discuss your exact needs with a reputable insurance agent to ensure you are getting the coverage you need. There are many factors that play into the coverage of each property, making a customized consultation important for every homeowner.

For more information about homeowners insurance in Rockville

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