What Vitamins Should An Individual Take?

by | Nov 29, 2013 | Healthcare

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There is no dispute that the best way of getting all the vitamins is through a healthy diet, this unfortunately is not always the case and people take white label vitamins to supplement that which they cannot or do not get from their diet. Even those people who do get vitamins from their diet may be candidates for supplements. There are people, those who suffer from IBS for example that have difficulty in absorbing vitamins in the food they eat, their only solution is to take multi-vitamins in an easy to digest form.

Obviously the vitamins that an individual takes is all based on the person. A woman who wishes to conceive for example will start taking a specific multi-vitamin which has been formulated with folic acid; this reduces the potential of the child having certain birth defects. It is necessary for the potential mother to take these vitamins in a recommended daily dose prior to conception.

Many doctors will recommend to their female patients that a calcium supplement should be taken as they enter their 30s. Calcium forestalls osteoporosis, a disease that attacks women far more frequently than men. It may also be advisable to take Vitamin A which has a tendency to regulate mood swings and has been proven beneficial in the prevention of heart disease.

The very young and the elderly often need supplementary white label vitamins. These age groups often are picky eaters and tend to miss certain vitamins that are normally part of a well rounded diet.

When vitamins are taken with food, they are absorbed quicker and more thoroughly into the system. Even though this is the case, vitamins must never be considered as a substitute for a healthy, well rounded diet. There are many foodstuffs that contain ingredients that are not available through any dietary supplement. Simply relying on a vitamin D supplement will never take the place of whole milk which contains not only vitamin D, but calcium, potassium and manganese as well.

Tests have shown that taking too many vitamins is ineffective. When vitamins such as vitamin C are taken in excess they are simply excreted through urination, they do not provide maximum benefit. It is important to understand which vitamins are beneficial, it is also important to know when to stop.

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