What Will the View Be Like After a Solar Screen Installation in Pembroke Pines, FL?

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Home Improvement

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Solar screens are exterior screens for windows and doors that help to manage the amount of sunlight that reaches the glass. This is important, since the screens help to block enough sunlight to avoid a lot of heat transference. Thanks to this benefit, the homeowner will find it easier to cool the home while consuming less energy. One concern has to do with how the screen affects the ability to see out the windows or for others to look inside. Here is what every homeowner should know about how a Solar Screen Installation in Pembroke Pines FL impacts the view.

A Great Daytime Privacy Solution Without Obstructing the View

There are plenty of ways to enhance the privacy of the home. Some people will use shutters that cover the lower sashes. This allows them to look out windows while still making it harder for others to look inside. Awnings also limit visibility to some degree and provide a bit of privacy. Films that are applied directly to the window glass also provide privacy but may make it more difficult to look outside with ease.

After a Solar Screen Installation in Pembroke Pines FL, the homeowner will notice that looking out a window is easy. The mesh does little to interfere with the ability to see what’s happening outside. In fact, some homeowners report that this solution allows them more visibility than more traditional methods. At the same time, the mesh design helps to limit the ability of anyone to stand on the sidewalk and peer into the home during the daylight hours.

What About At Night?

The screen mesh will work in a similar manner in terms of being able to look outside. Anyone who is in the home and wants to look out the window to do look at the sky or see who is coming up the walkway can do so with ease. From the outside, the view into the home is somewhat obscured depending on the amount of illumination the homeowner is currently using in the house.

If the idea of solar screens sounds appealing, talk with the team at Broward Screen And Window Inc today. A professional will visit the home, go over the options, and provide the homeowner with a quote. In most cases, the design and installation can be completed in less than a couple of weeks.

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