What You Need to Know About Water Main Replacement in Springfield, VA

by | Dec 16, 2013 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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A water main is the central pipe that gets water to you, the consumer, from a particular water plant. It is at these plants that the water is treated and purified with the aim of making it fit for consumption and household use. Water Main Replacement in Springfield, VA is a very important service because if the main line is damaged or malfunctioning in any way, it compromises the integrity and function of the entire network. In addition to the main pipeline, the water distribution network is also comprised of smaller water lines that are connected to the main. These smaller lines effectively cause the reach to expand, which consequently makes it possible for more people to access clean water.

Causes of Damage to the Water Main

Water going through the main usually does so under extremely high pressure. This is necessary in order to facilitate the effective distribution of water across the entire network. However, this high pressure also means that if the main line fails, the water is likely to flood the area within a short time. There are a number of factors that could potentially call for Water Main Replacement in Springfield, VA. These are:

1. Cracked pipes
2. Accidental damage to the line e.g. during construction
3. Poorly maintained pipes

Even when the damage is a small crack, the high pressure of the water causes the crack to widen, which may ultimately lead to a burst. As far as accidental damage by construction crews is concerned, measures are taken to bury main lines quite deep, in addition to providing accurate and updated information on where these pipes are. As an added precaution when working near main lines, construction crews often dig using hand-held equipment first before moving on to mechanical equipment.

Water main replacement is not only done in cases of damage, though, it may also be performed as a measure to prevent damage and avoid the likelihood of flooding and property damage. This is most common in areas where the pipes are old but still functional.

Business Name is committed to providing top-notch water main replacement, plumbing maintenance, repairs and other services. These services are available both to residential and commercial clients.

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