When In Doubt Contact a Tree Pruning Service in Redding CA

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Tree Service

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Many a homeowner is terrified of making a mistake when it comes to pruning trees or shrubs in their landscape -; especially flowering or fruiting varieties. Doing so rarely results in plant fatalities and at its worst results in no flowers or fruit the following season. An exception to the rule might be pruning late in the season that encourages new growth that may be killed with the first hard frosts of winter.

Nearly all trees and shrubs thrive with proper pruning. With a little guidance homeowners can learn when and how to properly prune every tree, shrub, or plant in their yard. For those that doubt their own skills, a tree pruning service in Redding CA can always do the job for them. The following are guidelines for pruning flowering trees, shrubs, or vines, and fruit trees.

The group that causes the most confusion for many people, when it pertains to pruning times, is that of flowering shrubs, trees, and plants. Generally speaking, trees and shrubs that bloom in the summer and fall, should be pruned in late winter or early spring when the plant is dormant. Trees and shrubs that bloom in the spring can be trimmed or pruned shortly after their blooms drop. To verify pruning times one can always visit Treeofrighteousness.com of their state’s agricultural extension for pruning tips.

The majority of fruiting trees and plants require pruning during the dormant season. Fruiting trees and plants can be tricky as you only get one shot at setting the buds for the next season. Unfortunately, fruiting trees and plants (such as berries) will decline without pruning and maintenance. Care must be taken to remove suckers which deplete resources from the main plant, and old or diseased branches. Pruning should be a top priority for fruiting trees and shrubs grown for the goal of harvesting fruit.

If in doubt consult with a tree pruning service in Redding CA on how to best prune and maintain your fruiting trees and shrubs to produce the best fruit possible. Note that flowering trees grown more for their ornamental appeal in the landscapes such as cherry’s, dogwoods, or pears, will still put on a nice display of flowers even with a lack of regular trimming and pruning.

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