When Is A Visit To An Emergency Dentist Really Necessary?

by | Oct 6, 2016 | Dental Care

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In any dental emergency, the first thing a patient should do is to call their dentist and schedule an appointment. But how important is it to get seen right away, and what should the person suffering do if it’s after office hours? Most people realize that a knocked out tooth can only be restored if dealt with expediently, but some situations are less unambiguous. Below are some tips to help determine whether the issue can wait ’til regular office hours, or if the services of an Emergency dentist are immediately necessary.

What to Do About Chipped or Cracked Teeth

If there is no pain associated with the chipped tooth, it can probably wait a few days. However, if there is severe pain or swelling in the area, or if the tooth in question is fractured in a way that indicates interior damage as well as exterior, it should be considered a dental emergency. While waiting to hear from the dentist, clean the area inside and apply an ice pack or cold compress outside the mouth to reduce swelling if present.

What About a Loose Tooth?

A tooth that is loose in the mouth is definitely reason to schedule an appointment with an Emergency dentist. Often it will need to be splinted to the teeth around it in order to keep it stabilized while it heals. Patients can try to push the tooth back into alignment themselves, but should only use very light pressure as attempting to force it into place can lead to a missing tooth, which is a much more serious problem. Those unsure of who to call can visit  for information about local emergency dentists.

Pain Due to Tissue Injury

Most injuries to the cheeks, mouth, and tongue that elicit bleeding, pain, and swelling, should be considered dental emergencies. However, these often require the assistance of an oral surgeon rather than a traditional dentist and can be dealt with most effectively at a hospital emergency room. Do be sure to clean the area immediately, and place sterile gauze on any wounds to help staunch the bleeding as soon as possible after the injury occurs. It’s a good idea to schedule a follow up appointment a dentist if it’s unclear whether or not teeth have been damaged as well as tissue. You can also like them on Facebook for more information.

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