While most articles about septic pump outs will be how-to’s or tips and tricks, there are times when it would be unwise to perform Septic Pump Outs in Oviedo FL. Here are some of these occasions, as stated by the experts.
Watch For Flooding
If the area around the septic system has been stricken by a flood, all experts recommend that a septic pump out should not occur. This is because there is the very real danger of the septic tank floating to the top of the surface if it is made from plastic or fiberglass. This, in turn, leads to damaged pipes which incur even more expensive repairs. It is best to allow the flooding to subside before attempting a pump out.
Even if the septic tank is made from traditional concrete, when pumping out during a flood, there is the risk of flood waters or mud and silt pouring back into the tank. Exercise patience and wait for the floodwaters to recede before attempting Septic Pump Outs in Oviedo FL.
Some Things Don’t Get Better With Age
If the septic tank or the cesspool is very old if the material they are built from is unknown, it is best to perform a septic inspection before trying to pump the system. If the tank is made of concrete and very old, it may collapse on itself during the pump out, or shortly after that. There have even been cases of homeowners being killed when the tank or cesspool collapse, and the person is dragged into it. Before attempting a pump out on an aged system, call a company such as Website.com and have them perform a professional inspection. The extra effort will be more than worth it; it could be life saver.
Wait To Be Tested
If the system is already due for a test or an inspection, it is unwise to pump it out right beforehand. This is because emptying the tank takes away the ability of the septic dye to perform its job of revealing leaks or cracks in the system. The dye used would merely float at the bottom of the tank.
All of these scenarios are times when performing a pump out would be either unwise, unsafe, or both. Ask the septic company when it is safe to perform the pump out.