When to Contact a Veterinarian

by | Oct 24, 2017 | Animal Hospitals

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The men and women who choose to dedicate their careers to the care of animals are often individuals with exceptionally compassionate natures who care a great deal about the animals they treat. That said, a veterinarian may only do so much for your injured or ill pet if you choose not to bring your pet in for an examination and there are some signs that give you some advance warning of impending trouble. Since animals are unable to voice when they feel pain or discomfort, it is imperative that you pay close attention to their daily activities and personalities so that any difference in this natural temperament is quickly spotted.

Drinking Habits

Cats will begin to drink excessive amounts of water if they are having trouble with one or more kidneys, which is a serious reason for you to bring them to a qualified veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. A cat is not built to take in large quantities of water in a short period of time so it will become fairly easy to see once your felines begin to take in more water than is usual for them. In this type of situation, it is always better to bring your cat in at the first sign or suspicion of trouble so that you receive good news in regards to treatment options after also receiving a relatively bad diagnosis.

Eating Habits

It is not uncommon for animals to skip a meal or two every few days as part of their nature but a dog is unlikely to ignore more than one meal in a row unless there is something not quite right. A cat, although more likely to not eat his or her food in general, will also not suddenly stop eating altogether and you should contact a veterinarian once you notice this change. Contact Quartz Mountain Animal Hospital to learn more at (480) 860-1433 or by visiting Website Domain. You can follow them on Twitter for latest news and updates!

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