Most people know just what they want from car insurance, but as circumstances change, it’s a good idea to rethink your coverage, or at least, rethink who provides that coverage. Here are a few things that should trigger you to get a new car insurance quote in Austin from a broker like Dillo Insurance:
You Have Moved
The place your car is “garaged” can have a big impact on your rates for many forms of coverage. If you go from a house on a high-traffic street to one that faces a road that only sees a car go by every few hours, you might see some great reductions on collision insurance. The cost of comprehensive coverage also depends on your main base. The differing crime levels of different areas will directly affect the risk of car theft, and therefore, your comprehensive premiums.
You’ve Paid Off Your Car Loan
Many auto loan companies demand that you keep full coverage as long as anything is owing on your car. The payoff of the loan therefore doesn’t just mean that you’ve gotten rid of one bill. It also means that you are free of this requirement. Feel free to drop any coverage that you figure you don’t need, except, of course, for that which is mandated by law. If your car is still fairly new and you live in a high-traffic area, you may want to keep all of the coverage. However, if you bought your car as a heavily-used last-resort vehicle and it’s now several years old and barely running, you’ll probably be fine with just enough insurance to appease the police.
You Haven’t Gotten a Quote for Several Years
The insurance market changes with time, so even if you want the exact same types of auto insurance and the same levels of coverage, you should get new quotes if you haven’t done so for several years. When you get a fresh car insurance quote in Austin, you may find that the price that was once such a great deal is now one of the more expensive options. In that case, it may be a good idea to switch insurance companies.