When someone is facing criminal charges, the first thing they need to think about is hiring a lawyer. Even if someone is only facing misdemeanor charges, they want to hire a lawyer to have the best chance of getting the charges against them thrown out. A quality lawyer can fight for someone in the courtroom by proving they are a stand-up character and don’t deserve to have their record stained by a criminal charge. Those who are considering going to trial need to make sure they have professional legal representation because a prosecutor is going to be aggressive and a defendant doesn’t get to choose their public defender.
A public defender is not going to provide the same legal expertise as a private lawyer because they deal with every single case that gets put on their plate. There are private lawyers that only deal with certain types of criminal charges because they know that area of the law very well. When an attorney knows all aspects of the law regarding certain things, they have a much better chance of getting the charges against their client thrown out or at least reduced. It’s possible for a defendant to be facing felony charges and then have them reduced to misdemeanor ones by a reliable lawyer. Nobody wants to become a convicted felon because they will lose many of their rights, such as being able to vote or carry a firearm. It’s also not a good idea to risk going to trial for serious charges with only a public defender on your side.
Those who are looking for a Criminal Attorney in Green Bay, WI should get in touch with the Brabazon Law Office LLC. This is one of the top law firms for criminal charges because they employ several lawyers who have experience with all different types of charges. People who get in touch with them are sure to get the representation they need to properly fight the charges being brought against them. Think of how much better you will feel if you were arrested for criminal charges and a good lawyer could get them dropped completely. Take advantage of a criminal attorney in Green Bay WI, WI to give yourself the best chance of getting a good plea bargain or getting through a trial unscathed.