When to Hire an Estate Lawyer in Ypsilanti MI

by | Mar 28, 2022 | law

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Estate planning isn’t a matter to be taken lightly as the wrong use of a word or a missing signature often changes the entire meaning of the document, which can lead to issues once you are gone. Why do you need to hire an estate Lawyer in Ypsilanti MI to handle this matter? With the right knowledge, you should be able to do this without assistance, or so many believe. In addition to using the wrong word or forgetting to sign somewhere, there are other reasons why an attorney will be of great benefit to you as you plan your estate.

Each state has their own laws when it comes to planning an estate and these laws change quite frequently. You must understand what can and cannot be included in a document of this type, who is allowed, by law, to serve as a personal representative and who can act as a witness during signing. Mistakes in these areas tend to be very common and yet people continue to make them. An estate Lawyer Ypsilanti MI will ensure you don’t make one or more blunders when developing your estate plan.

Although you won’t be around to deal with the consequences of any mistakes you make, your loved ones will and you need to protect them from a long, drawn out battle. Not only will this cost them a great deal of time as the documents make their way through the court system, they will spend a lot of money getting the issue resolved. Any money in your estate may be eaten up by lawyer fees and yet this can easily be avoided if you seek legal guidance before you create an estate plan.

Every person’s situation is different and the attorney takes this into consideration when advising you during the estate planning. If you choose to skip this step, your loved ones may find that the IRS, the state department of revenue or a probate lawyer steps in and eats up any money left in the estate. This is crucial if you have a disabled child that needs continuous care after you are gone, you own a business or you have young children and many other complex situations.

Contact Hermanowski Law when the time comes to plan your estate. It’s never too early to start. Your loved ones will appreciate your forethought when you pass.

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