Where to Find the Best Car Loans in Carson City

by | Oct 31, 2013 | miscellaneous

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When you find yourself on a first name basis with all of the local tow-truck drivers and spend more time at the garage than you do at home, it is probably time to consider purchasing a new car. New cars mean new car loans and that, depending on where you go, can sometimes mean a headache.

Car loans in Carson City are no different. There are great places to receive financing and not so great places as well. The important thing to do is to find someone that offers great customer service, has the best interest rates and loan options available and who will take your loan needs as seriously as you do.

When you are shopping for Car Loans in Carson City a great place to begin is with the local credit union. For a new car you can find deals that will finance up to 100 percent of the value of the car and provide GAP insurance just for added protection. They can offer terms as high as 84 months for qualified buyers, helping to keep your payments affordable.

Used car loans through credit unions are also available with fair and reasonable terms. Some credit unions will finance loans for vehicles as old as 7 years. They have long term loans to keep your payment low and will finance up to 100 percent of the listed value of the vehicle.

You can find out about these opportunities for Car Loans in Carson City and get pre-approval before you shop. This will help you to know the amount you can afford and purchase wisely. To get more information about these deals the best place to contact first, before your car shop anywhere, is Great Basin Federal Credit Union.

At Great Basin they are dedicated to giving their customers the assistance they need to live the life they want. They understand the importance of the right financing and do everything they can to save you money.

In addition to their flexible car loans they also offer a huge selection of loan opportunities to help with every phase of your life. They have helped to save their credit union members thousands of dollars. Join with them today and see what they can do for you.

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