Why Buy A King Mattress in Lafayette

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Mattresses

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Whether you’ve just moved in with your partner, have expanded your family, or are simply looking for a new bed, one popular decision contemplated among many couples is whether or not to invest in a king mattress in Lafayette. These mattresses do tend to be pricier than their smaller-sized counterparts, but do have a number of benefits.

More Space Means More Comfort

A double bed is just four feet, six inches wide, giving each person less than two and a half feet of space. This works out to be less space than a newborn has in his or her crib. With so little space, it’s no wonder many couples feel cramped when they are sleeping. Studies conducted in the 1990s showed that couples actually slept better when they had more space available to themselves. Other studies show that, on average, people move about in their sleep more than sixty times per night – this is sure to disturb your bedmate if you are still in such close proximity.

A Good Night’s Sleep Is A Good Investment

One element holding many couples back from purchasing a king mattress in Lafayette is their fear of the higher cost. While king-sized mattresses aren’t nearly as expensive as their smaller counterparts are, especially lately, any increase in price is worth the increase in sleep quality. Those who sleep poorly tend to suffer from more physical pain, as well as more confusion, exhaustion, and even poor memory. There are many areas in life where one can cut costs without drastic change, but a mattress is not one of them.

More Room For The Family

Once you and your partner start a family, you will be grateful for the extra space. Children love to snuggle up to mom and dad during thunderstorms or other scary events, and just about every child on earth is a wiggly sleeper. Having a king mattress in Lafayette not only gives you and your partner more space on a nightly basis, but allows room for your children to snuggle after nightmares, or any time, without the added worry of getting hit in the face by little fists. Children also have an assortment of comfort items they love to bring into bed with them, so chances are you’ll wind up with at least one child and his or her stuffed animal, along with his or her blanket and pillow. A king mattress allows for this to happen, but for you and your partner to remain in comfort the whole time.

For more information about a king mattress in Lafayette, contact Mattress Direct at

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