Why Do Medical Devices Need a Lubricious Coating?

by | Jun 15, 2017 | Medical Facilities

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If you purchase medical supplies for patient use, you likely want the most effective devices possible. When choosing vascular catheters, guidewires, delivery catheters, or some other medical device, you probably want the slipperiest device possible. In most cases, that means you should purchase supplies with lubricious coatings. Here are a few things you should know about coated devices.

Why Friction Is Not Ideal

When inserting medical equipment or devices into the human body, friction is the enemy. Instead of going in easily, because of friction, regular medical devices resist insertion. That, of course, can cause the patient an incredible amount of pain and reduce the effectiveness of the device. Fortunately, there is an alternative. By covering the device with a lubricated covering, medical manufacturers have found a way to reduce friction.

How Friction Is Measured

You gauge friction by measuring the interaction between two objects. In medical devices, scientists measure friction by passing a device through a series of clamps. The easier it moves through, the lower friction coefficient the device has. By applying lubricious coatings, medical device manufacturers can reduce a device’s friction coefficient. Once they reach a sufficiently low coefficient, manufacturers know their device will more easily penetrate or move through the human body.

How Medical Supplies Are Unique

As you might expect, many coatings offer effective ways to reduce the friction coefficient of a device. Not every coating material, however, is safe for use on medical equipment. As such, medical device manufacturers must develop coatings that accomplish three things. First, they have to reduce friction coefficient to an acceptable level. Then, they must find a coating that is not toxic. Finally, they need to develop a covering that resists infection and promotes prompt recovery.

Whether your practice uses catheters, guidewires, or some other device, if you purchase medical supplies, you want the best devices possible. When equipment or devices penetrate the human body, they should have adequate lubricious coatings.

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