Why Do Some Patients Choose to Get Dental Bridges in Scottsdale, AZ?

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Dental Care

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Dental bridges are an excellent solution for patients with missing teeth. It is beneficial because a bridge fills in gaps to restore your oral health and smile. Beyond aesthetic improvement, there are other benefits to consider. Here are some of the reasons patients get dental bridges in Scottsdale, AZ.

Eating Your Favorite Foods

Even people on a strict diet eat their favorite meal every once in a while. Missing teeth can hinder your ability to eat whatever you want because particles collect in empty spaces, and that can cause pain. It can also lead to tooth decay and damaged gums. Dental bridges enable you to eat what you want without feeling pain later. They can also prevent your remaining teeth from shifting into open spaces, which makes the situation worse.

Improving Your Speech

Most people don’t realize how much teeth impact a person’s speech. While every situation is unique, acquiring a lisp or another change in your speaking abilities is common after losing teeth. That’s because they help you form words before anyone hears what you have to say. People required to give presentations or speak with the public as part of their job are more likely to get dental bridges in Scottsdale, AZ.

Restoring your teeth can boost your confidence in many scenarios and cause you to smile more often. You will no longer cover your mouth to camouflage missing teeth. Among the many benefits is feeling better about yourself, which can lead to more opportunities in life.

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