Why Homeowners Consider Electrical Panel Replacements in Wilkes-Barre, PA

by | Mar 21, 2018 | Electricians and Electrical

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The majority of homeowners don’t really consider replacing electrical panels unless some type of problem develops. However, there are several reasons to consider Panel Replacements in Wilkes-Barre PA. If your home is more than ten years old or if you’re considering remodeling, now is the time to discuss why an electrical panel should be updated by an area electrician.

Old Panels Can Be Dangerous

Many older electrical panels are simply too unsafe to continue using. Federal Pacific Electric panels and Zinsco panels are two rather notorious brands that are unsafe and should be replaced. Older split-bus panels are also considered unsafe, as it’s difficult to tell when a circuit is truly disconnected, and the breakers don’t always trip as intended. Panels still using fuses are well beyond their intended lifespans and should always be updated to modern panels that offer far better protection. If you’re unsure of the type of panel in a home, it’s always a good idea to contact an electrician for advice.

Not Enough Circuits

Old panels don’t include enough circuits for today’s homes. In the past, few homes had the number of electrical devices now commonly used, and the majority of homes didn’t include enough outlets to safely provide current. If a home needs extension cords to power appliances or lights dim when an appliance starts, consider contacting an electrician to discuss Panel Replacements in Wilkes-Barre PA and other electrical system upgrades.

Highly Sensitive Devices Need More Protection

Computers, entertainment systems, and even high-tech appliances need protection from electrical spikes. Modern homes are wired to accommodate those needs, but older homes require property owners to risk their high-tech appliances and devices by plugging other items into the same circuits those devices are on. If you’ve invested a great deal of money in appliances and electronic devices, it only makes sense to properly protect them from potentially damaging current variations.

Of course, there are other times when replacing an electrical panel is recommended. If you’re concerned about an existing electrical panel, it’s important to have it looked at by a local electrician. Click Here for more information or to schedule an inspection of your home’s electrical system.

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