Why Seeing Today a Wills and Estates Attorney in Spokane, WA Matters

by | Jun 23, 2015 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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No one disputes the importance of drafting a last will and testament or getting an estate in order; even so, there are those who feel that putting off these tasks for later is fine. The fact is that no one knows what will happen tomorrow, so today is the day to schedule an appointment with a wills and estates attorney in Spokane, WA. Here is what the attorney will do to protect the interests of the client.

Going Over the Basics

As part of the process of putting the estate in order, the Wills And Estates in Fredericton will start with the basics, which means drafting a last will and testament. The goal is to determine who will receive what in the way of assets and personal belongings. Many people make assumptions about how the transfer of property and personal items is handled under the law, some of which happen to be nothing more than urban legends. This is why the attorney will explain what can happen if no will is in place, and how to make sure the text of the document ensures that the wishes of the client are honored.

Making an Inventory

For people who assume they have no real estate, the attorney will quickly help them shed this false idea because estates are composed of more than shares of stock and real estate holdings. That means even someone who lives in an apartment furnished with odds and ends purchased at yard sales have estates.

The attorney will help the client prepare an inventory of all belongings, ranging from financial assets to the stamp collection that has been languishing in the closet for the last five years. With that inventory in hand, it will be easier to decide how to pass on everything to the right party when the time comes.

Planning for the Future

As part of the overall estate planning, the attorney will discuss setting financial goals for the future, which makes it possible to broaden the estate and ensure more financial stability in the years to come. When and as necessary any planning for the estate can be updated to cover those additional assets.

For help with any type of estate planning, contact them. Doing so will be the first step in making sure there are no doubts as to what should be done with property and possessions when the client passes away.

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