Why you should use a trash can cleaning service

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Cleaning Service

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A trash can cleaning service in Plano, TX, can be of great assistance to all businesses and homeowners. It is easy to overlook ensuring that garbage bins are kept clean as it is their very purpose to hold rubbish, but dirty garbage can result in maggots, bacteria, and rodents ridden with diseases. There are many reasons why it is a good idea to use a trash can cleaning service to prevent such inconveniences.

Fight off bacteria and bad odors.

Flies pick up the scent of garbage being piled on top of garbage. A trash can cleaning service can get rid of not only bad odors but also bacteria from contaminated bins. A deep clean is needed to get rid of bacteria like listeria and salmonella, particularly if they have had enough time to multiply, fester, and spread.

No more maggots

It is important to deal with flies as soon as possible as they lay eggs in trash cans that result in maggots, which are even more unsanitary. The accumulated waste bacteria in trash cans is ideal for maggots to feed on, but this possibility can be prevented with the regular use of a trash can cleaning service.

Avoid rodent problems

The smell of dirty trash can also be appealing to rodents. A strong scent is particularly enticing to mice and raccoons and can bring with them diseases such as salmonella, roundworm, Hantavirus, and RBF. A trash can cleaning service can prevent all these problems.

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