Working With a Law Firm in Annapolis, MD for a Smooth, Amicable Divorce

by | May 29, 2015 | Attorneys

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For those forced to go through one, divorce is typically one of the most stressful and challenging life events of all. Surveys consistently show that both parties going through a given divorce are likely to hit psychological lows as they do so, with depression rates, and even the incidence of suicide attempts, rising sharply. In fact, psychologists and others often recommend that those facing divorce prepare themselves for some difficult times because being ready to endure real challenges can help people to overcome them more easily.

There are also good, proven ways of making divorce a less stressful process. The traditional approach to the event is to treat it as being potentially divided into two phases. During the first and, hopefully, the only phase, the former partners work collaboratively to arrive at mutually satisfactory arrangements. Dealing with issues ranging from the disposition of assets to the custody of children and visitation rights, they try to hash out whatever differences that arise.

As this process so often fails, however, a second, adversarial phase is often entered upon. This is where the greatest surplus of stress for both parties comes in, an unfortunate fact given that this phase is so frequently necessary.

Another, more modern, alternative is to look at divorce in a wholly different way. Many couples have found that a more strategic arrangement that blends features of both phases of the traditional one can produce smoother, less stressful, and more productive divorce arrangements.

Typically, this involves both parties contacting a Law Firm in Annapolis MD, with the request that each be represented by one of the firm’s attorneys from the start. An agreement is then signed that governs the process to follow, with each attorney and their corresponding client being bound to abide by certain terms of negotiation.

These terms include the requirement that any impasse will be resolved by the parties and lawyers in question before proceeding. Because this way of addressing the need for divorce arrangements puts conflicts front and center from the start, many find that they gain a better perspective on these inevitable issues. While no means of arriving at a divorce settlement is perfect, this one that involves working with a Law Firm in Annapolis MD, appears to have some real advantages over traditional ones. You can visit or their Facebook page for more information.

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