Every home fire starts with a spark. That’s why it is so important to install working alarms in every bedroom, hallway, and level of your home. To help you know how to best protect your home from fire, here are the answers to common questions from your local safety products suppliers.
“How do I know if my smoke alarm needs replacing?”
If your smoke detector is more than 10 years old, replace it today. Newer smoke detectors have a 10-year sealed battery, but the sensors don’t last forever.
After about seven years, they need to be tested for sensitivity. You can find many fire prevention products from any professional who sells safety equipment and supplies in Minnesota.
“Do I need a fire extinguisher in my home?”
Yes. Every kitchen and stairwell should have a fire extinguisher. Look for an ABC-rated, BC-rated (especially good for flammable liquids), or CO2-type extinguisher. You can find them at hardware stores and many department stores, as well as online at Amazon.com or other popular sites.
Keep the extinguishers accessible, not in a basement or attic, where they might be difficult to reach.
“Do I need an escape plan?”
Yes! You should have two ways out of any room in your home and make sure that everyone knows how to use them. You should also designate a meeting spot outside for everyone in case they become separated. Practice your escape plan at least twice a year and include children in the exercise.
Use these tips and buy the latest tools from local safety products suppliers to ensure that you protect your home from the devastating impacts of fire.